The Basics

Community meaning

noun: a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common

एक समूह के रूप में संगठित स्‍थान-विशेष के समस्‍त निवासी; समुदाय

Statement of Purpose

To deepen belongingness of the group/tribe members​ to the collective called Serene Eco Village so that balancing of five capitals becomes every member need and every member responsibility.

Two guiding frameworks

The Five Capital Framework

Five Capital Framework

The Joyful Community Framework

Joyful Community Framework

What is a Circle?

A circle is a group of people(between 4 and 10) who gather together because they want to fulfill a felt need.  They come together as equals, contributing whatever they have as well as taking whatever they need.
They are independent and have certain degree of autonomy while being aware that there are constraints within which they have to fulfill their felt needs.
They are also aware that by fulfilling the need within their Circle they are fulfilling a small part of the need of the whole community and they feel fully supported by other circles for the same.

Essence of Membership Model

From Serene perspective:​

  • Offer precious and priceless experiences to members at zero price​
  • Deepen Belongingness of every tribe member​
  • Create inviting spaces(Serene Circles) for all tribe members to facilitate resolution of creative tension so that the bouquet of precious experiences expands​

From Members perspective:​

  • I get precious and priceless experience for free​
  • I feel invited to engage in ongoing Serene Circles or create one close to my heart.​
  • I contribute in terms of time, energy and money​

Assumptions and Beliefs

  • Precious and priceless experiences offered at Serene are free.​
  • ​We cannot create, direct, design or orchestrate precious and priceless experiences from outside. We can create conditions for them to happen. Serendipity works. ​
  • ​Members having a deep sense of belonging can possibly help create such conditions. ​
  • Their belongingness makes them engage in and with Serene to create suitable conditions that are conducive for precious and priceless experiences to emerge.​
  • ​We cannot create sense of belonging among members by transactional relationships, drudgery, exploitation, monetary rewards or manipulation.​
  • ​A vibrant culture where receiving feedbacks and revisiting the assumptions, beliefs, statement of common purpose and frameworks is essential. ​
  • Respecting our(and others) Privileges and Obligations is crucial.​
  • ​Capacity Building and Effective Communication between all members is crucial. ​
  • ​This journey is not an experiment though many experiments are possible on this journey.​
  • After travelling on this path for a while, we may find it difficult to reverse our journey.​
  • ​Building a future master plan(10 to 30 years) with full understanding of the dynamics and uncertainties is part of the journey.​

Welcome to the Serene Parivar

Serene community members met for a sneak peek on 29-30 April to understand how the future community would look like.  The core team members ...